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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thanks Everybody

Thanks y'all for the kind words about my math course. I was only reading since i was on spring break but i have been hitting the studies hard and been preoccupied with other issues such as looking for a job that this has fallen behind. ANYWAY besides all the bad shit that has happened to me stuff has been looking up for me. But my main question is has anyone ever met someone that has looked like an ex and had all those feelings rush back? Any way here are a few pictures i found a good laugh in and maybe you will too.


  1. Some things never change... like countries needing oil bombing countries that have it

  2. Nice picks, would anyone ever guess that a politician would be anything other then hypocritical? Also, no, not really on the ex thing.

  3. you´re welcome.... about the ex thing. it has happened to me...

  4. Yeah hard to tell the difference between Bonnie Prince George II and Barry O. anymore...

    Good to have you back though!

  5. yeah i think the country is going through that feeling with Obama, or I should say the political establishment in general. lucky for me I didn't fall in love with him during 08' since i knew something like this would happen. some of his supporters really did buy into him and are suffering from buyer's remorse. I sort of envy their naivete.
